For Small Business Owners and those affected by this crisis, the following is vital information for you to initiate your economic recovery process. We have informative materials to prepare you to navigate this process. Since we are all in a Stay at Home order, we unfortunately cannot provide you access to one of our specialists, but the following is a guide for you to initiative the process.
Please know that when we are able, CAMACOL will have in place a Small and Minority Business Recovery Hub at our offices located at 1401 West Flagler Street. But for now, we will be periodically issuing these notices. They will also be included in our website under Covid-19 Recovery Tool-Kit.
In the meantime: Stay Safe. Stay Home. Stay Healthy.
Joe Chi, President CAMACOL
CAMACOL: Working to Promote our Members and Partners Across our Community and the Global Scene

Joe Chi, President of CAMACOL present at the launch of the Argentine Chamber of Commerce annual report.
READ MORE HERE2021 / 2020
Press release
April 30, 2021
Mana Common and the Latin Chamber of Commerce CAMACOL sign historic memorandum of understanding to work jointly to achieve their common goals in benefit of our community.
CAMACOL authorities visit the Argentine Consulate in Miami
March 12, 2021
Dr. Joe Chi, accompanied by his Vice President Mr. Italo Torrese and the President of the Technology Committee and the High Technology Center - CENALTA, José L. Barletta. M.S.
Get the Money Your Small Business Needs to Recover
RISE Miami-Dade, the CARES Act-backed loan fund created exclusively for Miami-Dade small businesses, can help you pay rent, payroll, higher-interest business debt—or any business expense. Deadline to apply: December 20, 2020!
A message from
President Joe Chi
Miami, April 3rd, 2020

Tourism / Hospitality Industry
Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau
Cómo la ley “Families First Coronavirus Response Act (H.R. 6201)”
impacta los empleadores
Miami, Abri 6, 2020
El pasado 18 de marzo 2020, el Presidente Trump, firmo la nueva ley enviada por el Congreso, denominada “The Family First Coronavirus Responce Act (H.R. 6201)”, la cual entro en vigor el 01 de Abril de 2020.
En resumen, esta ley contempla lo siguiente:
- Establece el pago a los trabajadores por ausencia por emergencia ante esta situación y amplía la asistencia y nutrición por desempleo.
- Elimina los costos compartidos de los pacientes por las pruebas y servicios relacionados con el COVID-19.
- Adicionalmente contempla un incremento temporal en la asistencia porcentual del Medicaid Federal (FMPA) y crea dos mecanismos de cobertura para las pruebas y los no seguros, uno vía el programa Medicaid y otra vía el programa de fondos de emergencia de salud pública y servicios sociales.
En caso de ausencia del trabajador por enfermedad, las pequeñas empresas deberán permitir y pagar a los trabajadores hasta dos semanas de salario por esa ausencia siempre y cuando:
- Hayan sido diagnosticados con el Coronavirus COVID-19 o deba estar en cuarentena por instrucciones de un proveedor de servicios de salud, el empleador o el Estado u Oficiales Federales.
- Quienes están como cuidadores de una persona quien ha sido diagnosticado con el Coronavirus COVID-19 o se encuentren en cuarentena.
- Esté dedicado en dar cuidado, como consecuencia del Coronavirus COVID-19 y relacionado con el cierre de una escuela u otro lugar de cuidado del programa, de un niño o de otra persona quien no esté capacitado para cuidarse a sí mismo.
Friday, March 27th, 2020
On Friday, March 27th, 2020 CAMACOL President and CAMACOL COVID 19 Task Force Chairman Joe Chi along with representatives from NADSA the National Adult Day Services Association and FADSA the Florida Adult Day Services Association, responsible for National and Statewide Elderly Healthcare,, had a COVID-19 teleconference meeting with Florida State Agency for Healthcare Administration (AHCA) Secretary Mary C. Mayhew, Florida Dept of Elder Affairs (DOEA) Secretary Richard Prudom and Miami Dade County Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Maurice Kemp to discuss Corona Virus issues.
Mary C. Mayhew Secretary of the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration leads the $29.4 billion health care administration representing close to 31% of Florida’s total state budget, and is responsible for health policy and planning for the State of Florida. As Secretary, she administers the state’s Medicaid program ensuring the comprehensive healthcare needs of close to 4 million Floridians are met every month. Additionally, her oversight extends to the licensure and regulation of over 50,000 health care facilities across the 3rd largest state in the nation.
Richard Prudom as Secretary for the Florida Department of Elder Affairs (DOEA), the State Unit on Aging mission is to promote the well-being, safety, and independence nearly 5.2 million senior elderly Florida residents age 60 and older. Florida currently ranks first in the nation for the 65+ populations.
This is also the most vulnerable population in terms of critical COVID 19 response.
Joe Chi besides being the President of CAMACOL and CAMACOL COVID 19 Task Force Chairman, is also a recognized statewide senior elderly healthcare leader who works closely with the Florida State Agency for Healthcare Administration AHCA, the Florida Dept of Elder Affairs and Miami Dade County/ Florida Department of Health COVID 19 Task Force for the purpose of contingency planning for COVID-19 Response on the State and County levels.
CAMACOL, as the largest, oldest and most respected hispanic chamber of commerce in the State of Florida with a worldwide network and capacities encompassing Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas has followed the COVID 19 contagion since the beginning and we are positioned as a resource to be available to our communities locally, regionally, nationally and internationally as the need arises.
Miami, March 17, 2020
Due to the current conditions related to the COVD-19 pandemic, the Latin Chamber of Commerce of the United States, CAMACOL has postponed its 41st Hemispheric Congress of Latin Chambers of Commerce and Industry, and the 10th Edition of the Miami Media and Film Market, which were scheduled to be held from June 1st to the 5th, 2020 at the Biltmore Hotel.
We fully support the current measures and initiatives taken by the public and private sectors to cancel events and adopt procedures that lower the risk of a greater outbreak in our community, and country. With our worldwide network and capacities encompassing Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas, we followed the COVID-19 situation since the beginning and we are positioned as a resource to be available to our communities locally, regionally, nationally and internationally as the need arises. We also express solidarity with our partners at home and abroad.
As a chamber of commerce and economic development organization, tasked with providing assistance to local and international businesses, and with a commitment to social responsibility, CAMACOL has created a COVD-19 Task Force. The first phase of the task force is to disseminate official information to arrest contamination; our second phase will be to assist small and minority businesses in the recovery efforts in the weeks and months to come.
Meanwhile, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the activation of the Business Damage Assessment survey to assess the impact of COVID-19 on Florida’s local business operations. The survey, managed by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, (DEO) will evaluate businesses affected by COVID-19 and the impacts the virus has had on the local economy so actions to implement appropriate relief programs can begin. The Business Damage Assessment Survey can be taken online at Results from this survey will be shared with state agencies and local partners. Surveys submitted by small businesses can be used to access the Small Business Administration’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan, made available for COVID-19 through the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act. For inquires or assistance with the survey, business can contact Emergency Support Function 18 at We applaud Governor DeSantis for his pro-active response to this crisis and encourage our members and small businesses across the state, to outreach these services.
CAMACOL reassures our community that with calm and resolve we will get thru this crisis together.
Thank you.
Joe Chi, President CAMACOL
Hon. Wifredo “Willy” Gort, Chair Hemispheric Congress
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