Legalization Service

Our CAMACOL Offices are open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00am to 12:30pm

If you need to enter the premises, you must wear a mask in compliance with safety measures for under COVID-19, at all times.
For commercial certification of documents, please email
Payment and pick-ups are solely on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00am to 12:30pm.


CAMACOL means service, and the LEGALIZATIONS are an added service provided daily.

Yes, every day the CAMACOL offices are visited by hundreds of its member and businesses in general in need of the Legalization of Certificates of Origin, use, quality, analysis, etc, as required by the different Consulates and essential for the import and export to Latin America and the world.

The main advantages of processing these legalizations at CAMACOL are:

1.- The price is cheaper,
2.- It is done fast & given immediate attention.